Hugunin is a member of the Society of Midland Authors, Chicago, IL
View a Book Reading by James Hugunin at the Joan Flasch Artists' Book Collection
during an exhibition of 30 years of his artist books, art journals founded, criticism,
and fiction writing at the John Flaxman Library at The School of the Art Institute
of Chicago (November 2015).View excerpts from Hugunin's artist book Re-Treads (1974).
Read what noted photo critic A.D. Coleman has to say about James Hugunin's critical writing.
View YouTube video of Hugunin as panelist on Richard Love's "American Art Forum" (Nov., 25, 1989)
discussing with others the AIC exhibition "The Art of Fixing a Shadow: 150 Years of Photography".Numerous pages (173, 178, 184, 191, 197, 198) in "The Critics and the Fall and Rise of Photography," in Mark Rice's Through the Lens of the City (2005). Scroll up to those pages when webpage opens at Index. Preview synopsis of Hugunin's latest docu-fiction novel: Picky Hunting: A Journal of the Plague Year (2021).
A Survey of the Representation of Prisoners in the United States:
Discipline and Photographs, The Prison Experience
by James R. Hugunin (504 pages, 81/2 x 11 in., hard cover,
Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1999)ORDER from Edwin Mellen Press.
2012 - 13
Elder Physics, The Wrong of Time: Stories from an Elder Home
(172 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 iln. hard cover, The Journal for Experimental Fiction)ORDER this illustrated novel from
Something is Crook in Middlebrook (225 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 in.,
hard cover, published by Journal of Experimental Fiction 43, Geneva, IL)ORDER this illustrated novel from This book has been
chosen as among "The Best Experimental Fiction Book of 2012" by
nationally-published writer/critic Derek Pell on his blog "Zoom Street:
Art, Culture, Photography, Noir" (11/4/2012) at url:
YouTube video clip of Hugunin reading an excerpt from this book
Tossed Rope Series (artist book, 52 pages, 8 X 8 in., hard cover, artist book)
VIEW on Shutterfly ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($50) This book and
several others by Hugunin are featured in the exhibition "How to Read a Book"
Lawton Gallery, UW-Green Bay, October through November, 2012. It was also
curated into DIY (Visits Chicago): Photographers and Books at Columbia
College's Center for Book and Paper Arts (Sept. - Dec, 2013).
Photo-Language (artist book compilation of artworks 1972 - 2013,
56 pages, 8 x 8 in., hard cover).VIEW on Shutterfly ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($50)
Portraits (artist book, full color, 36 pages, 8 x 8 in., hard cover)
VIEW on Shutterfly ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($50)
Preference (First Name) (artist book, 1970s reprint, b & w, 40 pages,
8 x 8 in., hard cover)VIEW on Shutterfly ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($30)
Lines (artist book, 1970s compilation, 26 pages, 12 x 12 in., hard cover)
VIEW on Shutterfly ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($30)
Re:Treads (artist book, 1974, 8.5 x 11 in., soft cover)
Not for sale.VIEW excerpted pages on Britain's online journal, Hotel
Catalogue essay: Hugunin wrote the formally experimental foreword, "The Extremeophiles,"
to this photobook Favela da Rocinha, Brazil (documentary photos by Gary Mark Smith,
Sarah Stern and Carlos Beltran, full color, 36 pages, 11 x 8 1/2 in., hard cover, published
by East Village PhotoArts, Lawrence, KS: 2012, full color, 150 pages)ORDER this book from East Village PhotoArts (all profits go to fund a summer photography
program for at risk teens in this favela in Rio de Janeiro)
The Gate to Hell: Photographs by Avery Danziger is a catalogue for a show at the Mattatuck Museum,
Waterbury, CT, April 9 - May 17, 2015. Essays by curator Cynthia Roznoy and critic James Hugunin on
Danziger's spectacular color photographs taken in Turkmenistan of "The Gate to Hell," a flaming crater
which has been burning there since the late-1960s. (Full color, 28 pages, 11 x 8 1/2 in., soft cover,
published by the Mattatuck Museum and Avery Danziger).ORDER this book from the artist Avery Danziger for $25
Douglas Huebler at L.A.C.P.S. with catalogue essay, "The Map and the Territory,"
by the curator, James R. Hugunin (exhibition catalogue reprint from 1984 original,
full color, 26 pages, 12 x 12 in., hard cover)ORDER this rare text of a show at the L.A. Center for Photographic Studies from
Hugunin via e-mail ($20)
Slap, Bounce, Spank! 2004 catalogue essay for an art and technology
exhibition by Sine:Apsis Experiments byJames R. Hugunin with
Illustrations by Kevin Heisner (full color, 24 pages, 8 x 8 in., hard cover)ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($35)
Review, Review, Review
(A critical essay on Susan Ressler's "High End, Photographs of Los Angeles")
by James R. Hugunin (full color, 20 pages, 8 x 8 in., hard cover)ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($30)
New Art Examiner Reviews (1986 - 93) by James Hugunin
(anthology of reviews, b&w and color, 60 pages, 10x 10 in., hard cover)ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($30)
Post-Criticism by James R. Hugunin (2 dialogue format reviews of L.A. art)
(reprint of a 1983 text, b&w and color, 60 pages, 12 x 12 in., hard cover)ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($30)
Language and Knowledge by James R. Hugunin, reprint of his MFA Written Thesis, 1975
(full color, 88 pages, 12 x 12 in., hard cover)ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($75)
Frequently Rejected Essays by James R. Hugunin, reprint of a 1982 limited edition book.
(60 pages, 12 x 12 in., hard cover)ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($100)
The Imagery of Helene Smith-Romer with two essays, one by James R. Hugunin, reprint of a
museum catalogue, 2005 (full color, extra firm paper, 16 pages, a lay-flat,12 x 12 in., hard cover)ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($75)
Writing Pictures: Case Studies in Photographic Criticism, 1983 - 2012
by James R. Hugunin, anthology of his best writings,
(full color, 416 pages, 81/2 x 11 in., hard cover, Geneva, IL: Depth
Charge Press (2012)ORDER on for $85.
Wreck and Ruin: Photography, Temporality, and World (Dis)order
(2013) by James R. Hugunin, a monograph on contemporary
photography, especially work concerned with theme of
ruins (full color, 143 pages, 81/2 x 11 in., hard cover,
Geneva, IL: Depth Charge Press. Click to view one essay
from this book published in Britain's online journal Hotel.ORDER on for $52.
The Dumb Ox: Volume One & Two, Selections from this 1970s art journal
edited by James R. Hugunin
(two volumes, full color, approx. 100 pages each, 12 x 12 in., hard cover)ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail (for a limited time: 2 vols. for $300 total): Jim @
Below: Dumb Ox #4, special issue on artists' books on exhibition display along with
the two hardcover glossy stock volumes mentioned above featuring D.O. excerpts.
Tar Spackled Banner
by J. A. Ellis, a manuscript from the future found and edited by James R. Hugunin
(full color, 150 pages, 81/2 x 11 in., hard cover, Geneva, IL: Depth Charge Press.
This book was selected as among the Best Experimental Fiction for 2014 by BAX
(Wesleyan University, 2015) .Order from Hugunin at Jim @ ($50).
Notes Toward a Stenopaesthetic (reprint, catalogue essay for The International
Pinhole Photography Exhibition (Center for Contemporary Arts of Santa Fe, NM, 1989)
Full color, 32 pages, 11 x 81/2 in.ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($40)
Case X, fiction by James R. Hugunin (full color, 354 pages, 81/2 x 11 in., hard cover,
Geneva, IL: Depth Charge Press)ORDER from ($75)
Afterimage: Critical Essays on Photography by James Hugunin from the Journal
Afterimage (1977 - 1988), (full color, 302 pages, 81/2 x 11 in., hard cover,
Geneva, IL: Depth Charge Press)ORDER from ($75)
The Poetic Document, reprint of a 1989 catalogue essay by James R. Hugunin
(full color, glossy layflat stock, 24 pages, 12 x 12 in., hard cover),ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($100)
Victor Landweber Photographs, reprint of a 1985 catalogue essay and show curated by
James R. Hugunin at San Diego's Museum of Photographic Arts
(full color, glossy layflat stock, 32 pages, 12 x 12 in., hard cover).Read this catalogue essay online at:
ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($100)
American Roads: A Portfolio with a short story by James R. Hugunin, reprint of a 1982 catalogue and
portfolio curated by Victor Landweber (full color, glossy layflat stock, 32 pages, 12 x 12 in., hard cover),ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($100)
Q and A: An Auto-Interview wth James Hugunin, (full color, 126 pages, 8 1/2 X.5 11 in., hard cover)
probes Hugunin's creative work from the early 1970s to the present covering his scripto-visual
books with extensive excerpts from his criticism and fiction. Read a review of this book by Josh
Polinard published in Vol. 40, No. 5 (July/August 2019) of The American Review of Books.
ORDER from SPD Books ($45).
Review of Yuriy Tarnowsky's Claim to Oblivion by James Hugunin
Introduction to Curious Impossibilities: Ten Cinematic Riffs by Carla M. Wilson
by James R. Hugunin (ORDER book from
Peter Korniss: A Life in Photography (2018) A study of Hungarian
photographer Peter Korniss' 50 year retrospective in Budapest.
(8 1/2 x 11 in., full color, 44 pages, hard cover, U-Turn monograph).ORDER from Hugunin via e-mail ($50)
Travelogueing the Dark Side by global street photographer Gary Mark Smith
with Introduction ("Where Journalists Won't Go," byJames R. Hugunin).
Finding Mememo, fiction by James R. Hugunin (full color, 672 pages,
8 1/2 x 11 in., hard cover, Geneva, IL: Depth Charge Press. Excerpts.
Short video clip of Hugunin reading section one of this book.
ORDER from ($89).
Lewis Koch: Totems and Other Photo-Assemblage (U-Turn monograph,
30 pages, full color, softcover, comb-bound).ORDER from U-Turn ( ($20).
A Trilogy of Journals covering 2020 - 22 (over 1100 full color pages)
published by The Journal of Experimental Fiction, Illinois as pdf files available
on a small standard USB flash-drive for $20 US, includes shipping; order by
sending a cheque to: U-turn, 104 Avenida Frijoles, Santa Fe, NM 87507
or you may order via The Journal of Experi mential Preview at: Picky Hunting: A Journal of the Plague Year (2021) 420 pages, full color.
2) Picky Unchained: A Sequel to Picky Hunting (2022) 286 pages, full color.
3) Picky's Constant Conversation (2022) 432 pages, full color.
CHIT FOR CHAT: A Dialogue Between
A LudicAkaDrama (2023), full-color, 208 pages, comb-bound
or if prefered on a mini-USB flash-drive. $20 U.S. To order
e-mail: View at:
Seven Rooms an anthology of experimental writing (Tenement Press, 2023)
includes some of my conceptual art from the 1970s.