(1976 - 1980)

Edited by James R. Hugunin and Theron Kelley
along with various guest editors

Theron Kelley consistently won Awards for TV series editing

Copy Editing by Leslie Hugunin-Nguyen

Back issues of this publication are unavailable from the editors, 
but some artist-book collectors do still have copies for sale.

Scholarly reference to The Dumb Ox in Artists' Magazines: An Alternative Space for Art by Gwen Allen, MIT Press

Interview with James Hugunin by Stephen Perkins, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay


The Issues


The Dumb Ox #1
premier issue on Conceptual Photography, and Art, Education, and Zen


The Dumb Ox #2
Bart Parker, John Divola, and issues in Southern California photography

The Dumb Ox #3
Joseph Beuys, Knowledge and Art



The Dumb Ox #4
special Artists' Books issue


The Dumb Ox #5
special issue on Photography and Language guested edited by Lew Thomas

The Dumb Ox #6/7
special double issue featuring artists who teach at UCLA


The Dumb Ox #8
special issue on Anthropology and Art guest edited by Ken Friedman


The Dumb Ox #9
premier issue of "New Wet" magazine, a parody of Los Angeles's "Wet"
magazine guest edited by "Lady Kenmore"


The Dumb Ox #10/11
special issue of Performance Art guest edited by Allan Kaprow and Paul McCarthy