Venice, Italy (2008), Photo by
Marianne Nathan
James R. Hugunin
Santa Fe, NM 87507
Full Vita Link (pdf.)
Excerpt from photo critic A.D. Coleman's presentation/article mentioning Hugunin's criticism
Born: 1947,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
M.F.A. in Visual
Art, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA (1975)
B.A. in Fine
Art, California State University, Northridge, CA, USA (1973)
Photo Illustration
major, Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles, CA (1971)
Art Critic / Theorist
and Fiction Writer
(six experimental novels published: 2012 - 2022 / Member, Society of Midland Authors.
FULL PROFESSOR., Department of Art History, Theory,
and Criticism, The School, The Art Institute of Chicago, teaching "The History
of Photography" and "Contemporary Theory" (1985 - present).
- LECTURER, Photo History,
Art Department, Dominican University, River Forest, IL (2011 - 2014).
LECTURER, Art/Liberal Studies Department, Roosevelt University, teaching core
course on Art, Architecture and Social Issues (1988 - 2010). Awarded The
Willett Award for "Most Valuable Adjunct Faculty, 1999 - 2000"
at the both the downtown campus and the University's Albert A. Robin Campus, Schaumburg, IL..
PROFESSORSHIPS: California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA (1976 -
83); California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA (1985); Southern
Illinois University at Carbondale, IL (1986 - 88); University of Illinois
at Chicago (1993 - 94); Columbia College, Chicago, IL (1994).
EDITOR, AND PUBLISHER of the art periodicals: The Dumb Ox and U-Turn.
EDITOR: The New Art Examiner (1989 - 90).
WRITER/CRITIC with over 150 essays in print in various art periodicals, two
scholarly books published, one novel published (1976 - present).
of the Reva and David Logan Award for Distinguished New Writing in Photography
(1983) for "Meditations on an Ukrainian Easter Egg," sponsored by The National
Endowment for the Arts and The Photographic Resource Center, Boston, MA.
curated the exhibition "Discipline and Photograph: The Prison Experience"
at The Peace Museum, 314 W. Institute Place, Chicago, IL 60610 (1996) based
upon my book published in 1999 by The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY: A
Survery of the Representation of Prisoners in the United States: Discipline
and Photographs, The Prison Experience; Student Gallery director, Southern Illinois University (1987).
CAMERA OPERATOR/PHOTOLAB MANAGER: at Litton Industries, Woodland Hills, CA
(1973 - 78); and at Robert Abel and Associates, Hollywood, CA (subacontracted by Paramount
Pictures production Star Trek: The Movie (1978 - 79); and at Capitol Records
(1979); and Mid-Ocean Motion PIctures, Hollywood, CA (1980 - 83).

2015 James Hugunin: Book reading in the Joan Flasch Book Collection in conjunction with "Thirty Years at SAIC," Selected Book Works 1973 - 2015," in the Flaxman Library, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
2014 Czech Television,
Prague. Interview on the program "Kultura"concerning my participation
on the eleven-person jury panel selecting work and awarding prizes for the
20th Annual Czech Press Photography Exhibition. View video cllip at:
Reading from my fiction at the &Now Festival of Experimental Writing,
University of Colorado, Boulder.
to the screening of the film Metropolis at the Sullivan Galleries,
SAIC, Chicago, IL
"Fiction Reading," selections from Elder Physics novel, at
The Buzz Café, Oak Park, IL.
"Four Presenters," selections from Elder Physics at the Naught
Gallery, Chicago, IL
Panelist / Presenter, "DIY Photographic Book Art," Columbia
College, Center for Book and Paper Arts, Chicago, IL.
Faculty Sabbatical Lecture, at the Sullivan Galleries, SAIC, Chicago, IL.
Fiction Reading at the &Now Festival of Experimental Writing, University
of Colorado,Boulder.
"Introduction" to the screening of the film Metropolis at the Sullivan
Galleries, SAIC,Chicago, IL.
"Come On, Seven," reading from my first novel, Something is Crook
in Middlebrook, off-site at The Association of Writers and Writing Programs
Annual Conference, Ballroom, SAIC, Chicago, IL.
2011 Reading from my first
novel, Something is Crook in Middlebrook, at Ukranian Institute of Modern
Art, Chicago, IL.
2005 "Cutting
Up: Art and Humor," Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL (lecture on
Helene Smith-Romer's Retrospective Exhibition).2001
"The Photographic Book Revisited," Columbia College, Chicago, IL (visiting speaker
in Barbara Metz's Book Arts Graduate Seminar).
1999 "The Photographic
Book," Columbia College, Chicago, IL (visiting speaker in Barbara Metz's Book
Arts Graduate Seminar).
1998 "The 'Family
of Man' Exhibition Reconsidered," Purdue University, Art Department, Lafayette,
IN (visiting speaker).
1997 "The Photographic
Book," Columbia College, Chicago, in Barbara Metz's Artists' Books course.
1996 "Discipline
and Photograph," in conjuction with exhibition I curated, "Discipline and Photograph:
The Prison Experience" at The Peace Museum, Chicago, IL.
Education: A Faculty Perspective," at the "Creating Solutions" seminar for Art
School Staff, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
1995 "Art in
the Age of Simulation," Columbia Collge, Computer Dept. "Visiting Artists" lecture
Photography: Index and Digit," University of Illinois at Chicago, photo dept.,
lecture series, Chicago, IL.
1994 "Fingering
Photography: Index and Digit," 4th lecture in series "Ethics in Art and Design"
at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
"La Pinta:
An Incredible Topology," paper delivered at "The End(s) of Postmodernism" Conference,
Northeastern Missouri State University, MO.
1993 "From
Pop to Now: A Critical Reading," Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL.
1992 "Discipline
and Photograph III," Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI; in conjunction
with a week-long seminar in critical theory.
"What is an
Artist Book?" panelist, Sazama Gallery, Chicago, IL.
1991 "Discipline
and Photograph II," Art and Design Dept., University of Illinois at Chicago.
"Discipline and Photograph," Society for Photographic Education, Green Bay,
"Art of the
Eighties," panelist on public television show "American Art Forum" hosted by
Richard Love, aired on WYCC-TV Ch. 20 in Chicago, distributed nationally by
Central Educational Network.
and Photograph," University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN.
"What is Criticism?"
Purdue University, Lafayette, IN.
"Current Trends
in Photography" (panelist) Countryside Art Center, Arlington Heights,
1989 "150 Years
of Photography," panelist on public television show "American Art Forum" #308
hosted by Richard Love, aired on WYCC-TV Ch. 20 in Chicago, distributed nationally
by Central Educational Network.
"The Poetic
Document," keynote speaker/panelist, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
"New Voices
in Chicago Criticism," panelist, N.A.M.E. Gallery, Chicago, IL.
1988 "Post-Criticism,"
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI (1988), in conjunction with a
week-long seminar in critical theory.
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; in conjunction with a week-long critical studies
seminar co-taught with Deborah Bright.
"What is Criticism,"
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
1987 "Subjective
Photography and the Existentialist Ethic," Regional Society for Photographic
Education meeting, Chicago, IL.
"How Is Literature
Relevant? A Cross Disciplinary Approach," panelist, Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale, IL.
"Two Essays,
Two Approaches," University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.
"On Criticism,"
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI.
1986 "The Glib
and the Glob: Missing the Message in Photographs," University of Virginia, Art
Department, Charlottesville, VA.
"The History
of Photography: Three Master Narratives," University of Illinois at Chicago,
Department of Art, Chicago, IL.
"The History
of Photography: Three Master Narratives," The Center for Creative Photography,
University of Tucson, Tucson, AZ.
"The History
of Photography: Three Master Narratives," The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago,
1984 "California
Photography Considered," panelist discussing California Photography, Los Angeles
Municipal Art Gallery.
"The Map is
not the Territory," "New Documentary" track at the 1984 Society for Photographic
Education (formal present./panel discussion), Riverside, CA.
1982 "Approaches
to Criticism,' panelist at the Regional Society for Photographic Education's
meeting at the San Francisco Art Institute.
1979 "The Photograph
as Mentioned," School of the Art Institute, Chicago, IL.
California State University, Fullerton, CA.
1978 "The Dumb
Ox," Society for Photographic Ed.'s National meeting, Asilomar, CA.
"An Evening
with James Hugunin," Los Angeles Center for Photographic Studies.
1977 "Self-Publishing,"
panelist at the first meeting of the Assoc. Art Publishers Conference, San Jose,
"Artists' Books,"
panelist, Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art.
"The Photograph
as Mentioned," Soho Cameraworks Gallery, Los Angeles.
View Hugunin's
Publications List